Friday, 29 April 2016

Sutton Grange - A finish

Just where has the time disappeared to?

In the missing time I have been busy and have chalked up a momentous finish.

Two years in the making. On/off, but every little bit helps. I saw a saying the other day that said the quilt never worked on never gets finished. So true. 

So, here it is.

Sutton Grange by the fabulous Di Ford Hall.

It looks a little washed out on the above photo. Excuse the yellow pins holding it up on a makeshift design wall. It is quite a size to get into one shot.

It needed something in the centre to bring it all together and the other day inspiration finally hit. I had a bag of pentagons made up from another Di project and so tried one in the centre. Thought it would work but they were not quite the right shades. Scrabbling through the fabrics I found a scrap with just enough to fussy cut out another set of small pentagons ( 5/8" ) and a scrap of the outer fabric for the centre. It worked well and I am pleased. I drew in the tendrils with a pigma pen.

I just hope the quilting does not take two years.

On a different subject. As my role of ribbon cutter extraordinaire I performed my duty at our new sewing venue. My friend Kate moved house and has had a lovely large shed built in the garden as her sewing studio. It is spacious and in a lovely position overlooking the pretty garden and I know we are going to have many happy hours of sewing fun there. Well done Kate on all your hard work getting it ready. We celebrated with buck's fizz and lunch.

Happy stitching.
