Wishing you all a very happy new year. May you have many happy hours of sewing.
I have kicked off the year with some new sock wool that I bought last week when I should have been Christmas shopping. It was so scrummy and irresistable. Have to knit in small doses though as I have had terribly sore hands the last few days. My husband says it is from too much knitting and sewing. Whatever, it won't stop me from doing it. Mind you I did knit 3 hats during the last week.
This year I am going to continue with the list. It helps me concentrate on getting things done. So here it is.
1. Pink socks -done
2. Tail Feathers Block - November's
3. Tail Feathers Block - December's
4. Wendy's Challenge - done
5. Evie's cardigan - done
6. Challenge Charity quilt - assemble
7. Bunnyhill Block -December - done
8. Assemble Bunnyhill quilt - done
9. Finish quilting Apple Core quilt
10. Cold Wind Baskets - done
11. Orange Peel block - done
12. Japanese bag for knitting - done
Hopefully I will finish this list and there will be space to do other things. I am very good at doing other things rather than what I am supposed to be doing. Seeing it in print might help me to keep focused. The key word this year is going to be FINISH. As you can see there are several items on the list that didn't get finished from previous list's. Must do better this year.
I had some fabulous sewing items for Christmas. Thank you everyone. The pink thimble has been the object of my desires for some time and Wendy gave it to me for Christmas and it has already been tested and is great to use. The pink bit is rubbery and moulds to your finger making it comfortable to use. The buttons are handmade and Sarah and her boyfriend Olly bought them when they were in Patagonia, South America. They are beautiful.

Also in the box there is a bag of buttons from Kate, a Moda Layer Cake in Aster Manor pattern and so pretty, a little fabric bundle and pattern from Pat, Christmas fabric, ruler. The tall teal coloured tower on the right of the picture is a wooden bobbin from the Mills in Leek, Staffordshire and on it is wound 100g of hand spun and dyed wool. It is scrummy. I have been a very lucky girl. As you can see from the thimble and the wool that I love pink. You no doubt will see it a lot in future posts as no matter how hard I try, pink just keeps on creeping in on my work. My friends know me as Pink Shirley.
Bye for now.