March has arrived with lots of promise. A pile of scraps from cutting out hexagons were sat near the sewing machine so I decided to just randomly stitch them together. I love making "new" fabric from these bits and some of them really are tiny. Once tidied up I now have a 4.5"square to be saved for a later date. I know a lot of my fellow stitchers at my sewing groups think I never use a machine but I do, honestly!

Lots more hexagons stitched in readiness for Anna Levens. Love my pincushion made by my friend Marie and lucky me got it in the secret santa at my sewing group. Not so secret but lovely just the same.
Seeing it up close here I can see a tiny bit that I have missed. I am enjoying stitching these now that I have made the effort. There is a lot of work for such small blocks but well worth it. Very therapeutic.
The promise of some sunshine saw us scuttling off to Sidmouth for the afternoon. Just look at that beautiful blue sky. We sat out in the garden of The Clock Tower with a cup of tea just enjoying being content with the welcome warmth.
Everywhere has been so busy this weekend. I guess everyone was going cabin crazy being stuck indoors or just plain sick of the relentless downpours that some sunshine was not to be missed. Hope everyone else has had a lovely weekend too.
Happy Stitching