Wednesday, 6 March 2019

To blog or not to blog

That really is a big question right this minute. Can I expect people to read my posts when I have not read many myself for some time. Maybe it is time to reinvent this poor neglected page of mine and bring it up to date. Mostly I lurk on Instagram still as Stitcherydo.

I started this quilt more than a few years ago and I really do love it but that last row of hexagons has been on and off a few times, bits added and removed. The pattern is Not The Levens Hall by Marg Sampson George. You can find it in one of the Quiltmania magazines or in Marg's fabulous book also by Quiltmania.

Finally, I came to a decision that I really liked the cream hexagons and those pretty Tilda roses and that was the way forward. Now to get cutting and add a row of cream again. I have a plan and I am sticking to it.

Whilst searching for something in my sewing come junk room I found the cut out pieces for this block. Cut out quite some time ago I should think. Time to assemble it. 

Block 5 done. Only 25 more to go.

This is block 3 of Tile Tripping. Again it is a pattern by the wonderful Marg Sampson George. Started in a class at Cowslip Workshops in Cornwall. Quite a few of these in my busy future.

Apologies to anyone who left me a message on my last post. I could not find a way to reply nor did they come to my email for me to reply. I think I have a lot to learn and my brain is so rusty. Would welcome any thoughts on which blogging provider is the easiest to use.

Happy Stitching.


  1. Lovely post sweetie...and i think that reading a post gives so much more than just a photo on Instagram

  2. Yes, to blog or not to blog is a question I'm also pondering right now. Although I still read blogs but a lot of those I read regularly have stopped posting. I guess the golden times for blogging are over and I blame IG :)! So I'm happy to see you here again with your lovely (mostly pink) projects!!! I have never used any other blog provider than blogspot, so I can't advise you. But all in all I'm satisfied with them and I still get comments forwarded to my email. Maybe you have to change something in the settings. Sorry not to be of more help, but I'm really not a techie either. xx

  3. Good morning, Shirley! I've missed you! ...though I shouldn't talk as I haven't posted a blog letter since last September. I am on Wordpress and find it very easy to use. Now about that looks right at home on that chair, with the drapery and stunning view of your garden in the bacckground. I think it has found its firever home. :)

  4. I do love your beautiful quilt and the cream and roses borders are perfect! Your new blocks are lovely too....It was lovely to see your blog post Shirley. I still love blogging and reading others blogs....sadly we are scarce on the ground these days....whilst I enjoy IG I find it very impersonal. Hope to read more of your blog posts and admire your beautiful work xx

  5. IG or FB are very easy to communicate ! One picture and that's all !
    But I think a blog is also more personnal and I love your blog Shirley !
    Love your blocks and your own style with pink fabrics !!

  6. Hello dear lady - lovely to see your post! As you have probably guessed, I lurk on Instagram but mostly blog so I understand your dilemma :-) Your work is beautiful... i enjoy seeing how you use your fabrics. Happy blogging!!!

  7. Love your hexi quilt and what a great border idea. Oh dear I keep meaning to update my blog but it is too easy to lurk on Instagram and Facebook. The important thing is to just keep quilting and stitching.

  8. HI Shirley, I just by chance decided to click on my blog and see who was still blogging and there you were! I don't think I can remember how to blog! It's hard to know what platform to follow. I like Instagram because it is quick and easy but its not quite the same connection as blogging I think. Love all your work and that Tile Tripping block in the pink and grey looks fantastic! xx (Sue-Anne in case I haven't signed in properly or under Howard's name?????)
