Down on the Harbour slipway was a man making these beautiful, traditional Cornish willow crab pots.
Much photographed and painted corner of the beach. The sand here is so soft and the light is just special. I may be repeating myself here but it is true.
The Sloop Inn is a very old building and in the warmer weather is crowded inside and out. Quite often there are men singing and I don't mean the drunken variety but more of the kind singing sea shanty type songs.
On the walk down and still in the hotel grounds is this lovely little spot with a waterfall. I love the sound of the water rushing down. It isn't really a grand waterfall but such a peaceful spot.
At the top of the waterfall all the way aroung the wall were pretty little snowdrops. In a few weeks the daffodils will be out too.
Now, I apologise for this next photo and as you can see I have started to notice hexagons in all manner of places. Eyes down, trying to get my breath back after the long haul back up the hill and I realised what I was standing on. A hexagonal manhole cover. It even has the word challenger on it and grade A. Here is a little challenge for you. Where and what is the most unusual hexagon you have found. I did notice another one today and will show that later when I have taken a photo of it. I did say that I was a little obsessed with them. Even my husband has started to use the word and take notice of hexagons!!!
A little detour on our way back took us to Fistral Beach at Newquay where we spent a pleasant hour in our Toyota Celica mobile conservatory. It was way too cold to be walking on the beach and in the car behind glass it felt very warm and snug. Mick fell asleep while I read my magazine and watched the surfers. Yes. These mad people were actually in the water pretending that it was the height of summer. Let me tell you, it was freezing cold out there.
We also saw lots of these down there and as you can see these two 6" fabric beach birds are much quieter. I was asked way back if I had considered making one of the beach birds face the other direction. I did it. Just have 10 more to do.
This month I have worked steadily on the list and even managed not to succumb to item 13. Report to follow shortly. Have I managed to finish it?........
Happy Stitching
Love Shirley.x