This week there have been two houses built. All the pieces came from the scrap bag and Wendy may recognise the ones on the right as they came from a rummage in the scrap bag that she gave me. I know they were meant for the doggy pillows and yes, I know, I am shameless but, the real scraps have gone into the pillow. Honest!
Total houses built - 7.

Quiltmania is my favourite magazine and I just had to make this little pouch from this issue. It took a bit of humming and arrghing and some head scratching but eventually it worked out and I am thrilled with the result.The pattern is a log cabin formula and is made of folds of fabric. The fabrics were a gift from my friend Pat last year and high time they were used. I can see lots of possibilities with this little bag and may be making a few more. The hardest part was fitting the little zippers onto the zip itsself. Fiddly. Inside though, it is finished beautifully as per instructions.

Down at Cawsands the other weekend I found this beautiful hydrangea in a churchyard. It was a blustery day and this flower was rocking about so I am amazed to snap it so well. The petals had gone skeletal and looked quite beautiful. They look like handmade lace.

The bedroom is at last finished and no I didn't lock my husband in there or the builder for that matter. The builder/decorator did a great job and we are pleased with our new look room. I patiently waited my turn and over the months the doubt kicked in and I thought my choices of everything wouldn't work, but it does. Phew!! The kitchen too is now neat and fresh and I am on a mission to de junk my house.(Not my sewing room though).

I did sew together quite a few hexagons but thought that they would save for the grand reveal. One day that will happen.
Hope that wherever you are you are staying warm/cool and enjoying some stitching.