My friend Judith made me this fabulous cushion. I love it and it fits so well in my home.
This is honorary quilter Pip the dog at Kate's in her festive outfit. Pip mostly sits quietly at our gatherings until she hears the rustle of paper and she immediately thinks it is food and then she visits us one by one in the hope that we will feed her a scrap of something tasty.
Just before Christmas I was lucky enough to win a lovely pack of fabrics from Vreni at Oops-Lah blog. What a fabulous service from the postal offices on both sides of the world. It came from Singapore to Taunton,UK, in 7 days. Amazing. Thank you Vreni, I shall think carefully of how to use it and maybe next christmas I will have something finished.
My Christmas tree twinkling away. Well, what did you expect? I love the pink baubles.
I am plodding away still at the hexagons and this is progress so far. Almost half way and many more plain hexagons to prep yet. Every one made takes me closer though and one day it will be done. Just as well this quilt cannot talk as it has had my most private of thoughts lashed into it this year and I hope that next year it will have lots of happy thoughts sewn into it too.
Sarah bought me a new charm for my bracelet. It is a tiny pair of scissors and they actually open and shut. Rachel gave me a lovely gift box full of yummy things, chocolates, alcohol, perfume and much more.
Stina put out a lovely tutorial for a mystery bit of festive stitching. I followed it very well but just didn't get around to finishing it. It is going to be a pincushion.
I have planned that next year will be a year of many finishes and starts. I have so many things that need just a little bit of attention and many things that require ongoing care and a lot of work, some may get it and some may not see the light of day. I am not going to worry about it and will just go with the flow of it as I see fit. On the list of starts though, phew! where to begin. I have Sue Daley's Antique Sampler kit ready and waiting, I also want to join in with the Building Houses From Scraps project not to mention all the patterns that I have bought and want to make. It is going to be a busy year at Stitcherydo but I am looking forward to it and what is more I shall look forward to seeing what every single one of you fantastic blogging buddies will get up to.
Happy New Year to you all.