Now, I did warn you that my quilts would be of the unfinished variety and I jokingly said that I would just stack my boxes in a corner.....
I am not owning up to how many boxes I have but let me say that this is a selection. The basket on the top is Kate's. The project hanging out of the box is mine. Hope you aren't counting.
I had Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder all weekend and she goes by the real name of Debby from Dotty Dolly. I kept hearing my name and she kept telling everyone that she was going to hang it up in the shop. I have a deadline to finish this now. Thank you Debby. I am not quite sure yet what for. I left it for ages before I took the plunge to machine quilt it and then part way through I just decided I didn't like it and wished I hadn't started but now after seeing it again I will attempt to get it done for the deadline.
I started this quilt in 2002. It is a pattern that was published in McCalls Quilting magazine and is by Robert Callahan. I love the colours of this quilt and again I got fed up with the quilting and it has remained unfinished. Wendy also loves this quilt and I have left instructions that should anything happen to me then this is her quilt. Just in case I should be worried about banana skins left in my path and unseen objects on stairs I have left a codicil that she may have to finish it herself. That should ensure my safety!!! There is a little album block on this quilt and I decided to make it into the label. All the details are on there including the date 2002 - 2003. It was the early days and I was optimistic about finishing. When I finally do finish it I will add a postcript to the back saying "THE END".
The Kaleidoscope Quilt is still waiting for inspiration for the border. The eureka moment hasn't happened yet.
The other quilt belonged to my mum. When my mum died last year we decided to drape the quilt over her coffin as she loved it so much. At the end of the day the Funeral Director handed the quilt back to me but before he did my sister and I had a laugh to ourselves as we heard him berating one of his staff for being covered in fluff and not knowing where it had come from. Mum would have had a laugh at that one too.
Gifts From The Sea by Verna Mosquera. I loved every minute of making this quilt. It was such good fun. It is all sanwiched together ready for quilting one day. I may have to get my act together and just quilt,quilt,quilt or I send them off to be finished. At least then they will be done. Wendy and I made this one together but unlike me Wendy finished hers. Maybe I should be very worried about my safety!

Even Kate's car had a makeover for the weekend and was used to fetch and carry people from the parking in the field to be delivered up the bumpy drive. These good ladies are from Apple County Quilters.

In the last post I told you about honorary member Pip climbing into one of the displays.... She is looking at David (Kate's husband) as if to say "well what else is it for?". We are like a secret sisterhood from an Enid Blyton story with Pippi the dog as the seventh member.

Well, I am off to quilt,quilt,quilt. Ces't La Vie.
Happy Stitching.